The Meaning of the Rune “Raidho”


76a3e81789641bd47e4a574dfa19f13aRaido (pronounced Rye-doh) is the fifth rune of the Futhark and of Freya’s Aett. It is equivalent to the letter R in the Roman alphabet. In old Norse the name is Reid and in Anglo-Saxon it is Rad.

Literally translated Raido means “riding” and in later usage this came to mean a wagon or carriage, as well as the original concept of riding on horseback.

In this modern era, you may equate Raido to any form of vehicle or any type of journey because the primary import of Raido is transportation in the sense of movement from one position to another. So travel of all kinds, journeys, vehicles, roads, cargos and travellers may all be represented by Raido in the right context. It can also indicate an unexpected or enforced journey or indeed the change #n circumstances that breaks a deadlock, because that, too, is a kind of journey in itself.

You will also see Raido translated as “wheel” or “rotation” because of the root part of the Anglo-Saxon word rad-. But that is in truth a misconception. Modern words such as radius andradial referring to wheels actually derive from the Latin word radius meaning a spoke for a wheel, so they are not related to the Germanic words Raido, reid or rad.

Raidho – “Ride-ho” – Literally: “Ride” or “Wagon” – Esoteric: Journey

Key Concepts: the journey of Life, stories, heroism, means of transportation, right action, movement, motion, taking charge, being in control, initiative, adventure, decision-making, direction, counsel, the right path, the inner compass, leadership, kingship, nobility held by merit, moral responsibility, integrity, respect for the rights of others, innate knowledge of right and wrong, celestial procession, rituals

Psi: the story ‘form’ in the psyche, freedom from imprisonment, self-mastery

Energy: cosmic cyclical law, rhythm, presence (active)

Mundane: street-smarts, common sense, travel, movement, taking action

Divinations: Rationality, sound advice, action, justice, ordered growth, journey; or crisis, rigidity, stasis, injustice, irrationality, control freak, hypocrisy, wrongful imprisonment, restlessness.

Living in the present
Access to “inner advice” and our inner compass, following the heart
Movement within one’s natural limits
Blending with personal and world rhythms, consciousness of right and natural processes
Mastery of circumstance and control of situations, taking the lead
Establishment of creative rhythm in activities
Protection while traveling
Decision-making followed by immediate action

My Notes:

Raidho is the rune of ordered movement of energies in time and space as it pertains to human awareness. It is the rune of leading by example and of actions that speak louder than words. Though ANSUZ may tell the stories, Raidho lives the stories. It represents our deepest personal life journey and the ultimate failures of language to communicate our experience to others. Something to notice about Raidho is the habitual way in which our minds concoct story and identity.

Use Raidho to recognize the direction in which your daily life pulls you, for there is a compass within you that can be tapped into using the energy of this rune. Following your interests and your love, your greatest wishes and dreams, is the best way to read the Raidho compass of the inner world. By meditating on Raidho you will begin to see time and space as a personal reality rather than something imposed on you from outside. You will also be able to realistically assess your potential and gain knowledge of limits and physical laws.

To enter the present is to journey away from unnecessary fears and past experiences that act as too much baggage to travel effectively with. Whether physical travel, inner travel or travel ‘through time’, Raidho is an energy that is always active within our lives, from an epic trip around the world, to a visit to the refrigerator for a snack, so the journey into the present moment is always accessible to us, whether we sit in quiet meditation or are mindful of our movements and actions.

images (31)The old ways made it easier for ancient people to live in the present moment, a skill most valuable in the practice of esoteric arts. Because of its capacity to bring focus and awareness to the present, Raidho will expose hidden dangers along the path, so that no strange place or new circumstance can sneak up on us during our travels.

Raidho teaches of the correct balance between respecting our own rights, and the rights of others. It is linked to kingship, leadership and nobility, which are not acquired by virtue of birth but earned or held by merit. A context of moral responsibility and integrity accompany all use of this energy. It is similar in this respect to TIWAZ.