Karmic deficits are spiritual ways of balancing life energy. If you commit a heinous act to someone in a previous life it will carry over into your next life as a wrong you must right with this spirit. You must learn from this action in order to spiritual grow and rebalance your soul’s energy. Karma provides meaning to a human life. We as a society must notice the level of fate debts owed to one another and make an effort to fully repair the damage.
There are seven levels in karmic deficits. Roughly 80% of the debt involves the person requires to work through levels one to four. At levels five and six, karmic deficits are reduced, and level seven requires multiple lifetimes to fully even out. Below we have compiled a more detailed understanding of each level.
Level One: Simple Exchange
People must learn from past experiences to help better appreciate the bonds they have to other beings. This is a karmic debt that can be repaid in as little as a single day. You might have said an unkind word in the heat of the moment. You then can realize the pain it caused this person and immediately apologize for your harshness. This exchange can help you realize the power of words and how things can get misinterpreted.
Level Two: Break in the Daily Routine
If you borrow a bag of sugar from a neighbor to make cookies you might through a wrench into their plans to bake a cake. This person will have to then go out to the store and buy a new bag so they can make their items. This is more serious than the first level, because it has a longer impact on the other person. In this level people learn about what is important to people. Broken trust can be involved if someone borrows something and fails to return or replace the item, worse a person could return an item that is broken or now faulty. Another great example of a level two is being stood up for a date.
Level Three: Emotional Strain
In this level people experience attachment with another person, being, location, or object. For example, having a childhood home being suddenly sold can cause level 3 debt. Another example is ghosting a person with whom you previously enjoyed a rich relationship.
Level Four: Power Hunger
The level of karmic debt involves robbing someone of autonomy. When you speak for a person that is capable for advocating for them, you rob them of the power of free will. If you steal from a person, you rob them of a sense of trust. The amount of debt can often be created during the impact of legal cases where certain rulings may reward a person unfairly.
Level Five: Stifling Freedom
People have the right to wield free will and express themselves. In level five debt, you eliminate your victim’s freedom such as in the cases of murder, career sabotage, or financial strain. Conversely, you can gain good level five karma if you serve as a mentor and ensure your trainee succeeds as much as possible. Saving a person’s life can serve to repay a fate debt especially if in a previous life you committed atrocities or war crimes.
Level Six: Slander and Repression
This level speaks to the interconnectedness with others and the empathy your spirit possesses. This debt impacts a person’s reputation and freedom. This includes murder, jailing an innocent person, enslavement, or political ruin. Individual payments at this level are near impossible in a single or next lifetime. Your spirit will need to work tireless to right these wrongs.
Level Seven: Corruption of Universal Connectivity
People have a right to enjoy a connection with the Universe or the Divine. If their bond is corrupted, they are more prone to make decisions that harm other beings. These debts are created by spiritual charlatans who thrive on spreading salacious and false information about cosmic interconnectedness. Leaders who ensure their supports maintain these falsehoods will also be face with this type of karmic debt.