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Understanding the 7 Levels of Karmic Debt

Karmic Debt

Karmic deficits are spiritual ways of balancing life energy.  If you commit a heinous act to someone in a previous life it will carry over into your next life as a wrong you must right with this spirit.  You must learn from this action in order to spiritual grow and rebalance your soul’s energy.  Karma provides meaning to a human life.  We as a society must notice the level of fate debts owed to one another and make an effort to fully repair the damage.

There are seven levels in karmic deficits.  Roughly 80% of the debt involves the person requires to work through levels one to four.  At levels five and six, karmic deficits are reduced, and level seven requires multiple lifetimes to fully even out.  Below we have compiled a more detailed understanding of each level.

Level One:  Simple Exchange

People must learn from past experiences to help better appreciate the bonds they have to other beings.  This is a karmic debt that can be repaid in as little as a single day.  You might have said an unkind word in the heat of the moment.  You then can realize the pain it caused this person and immediately apologize for your harshness.  This exchange can help you realize the power of words and how things can get misinterpreted.

Level Two: Break in the Daily Routine

If you borrow a bag of sugar from a neighbor to make cookies you might through a wrench into their plans to bake a cake.  This person will have to then go out to the store and buy a new bag so they can make their items.  This is more serious than the first level, because it has a longer impact on the other person.  In this level people learn about what is important to people.  Broken trust can be involved if someone borrows something and fails to return or replace the item, worse a person could return an item that is broken or now faulty.  Another great example of a level two is being stood up for a date.

Level Three:  Emotional Strain

In this level people experience attachment with another person, being, location, or object.  For example, having a childhood home being suddenly sold can cause level 3 debt.  Another example is ghosting a person with whom you previously enjoyed a rich relationship.

Level Four:  Power Hunger

The level of karmic debt involves robbing someone of autonomy.  When you speak for a person that is capable for advocating for them, you rob them of the power of free will.  If you steal from a person, you rob them of a sense of trust.  The amount of debt can often be created during the impact of legal cases where certain rulings may reward a person unfairly.

Level Five:  Stifling Freedom

People have the right to wield free will and express themselves.  In level five debt, you eliminate your victim’s freedom such as in the cases of murder, career sabotage, or financial strain.  Conversely, you can gain good level five karma if you serve as a mentor and ensure your trainee succeeds as much as possible.  Saving a person’s life can serve to repay a fate debt especially if in a previous life you committed atrocities or war crimes.

Level Six:  Slander and Repression

This level speaks to the interconnectedness with others and the empathy your spirit possesses.  This debt impacts a person’s reputation and freedom.  This includes murder, jailing an innocent person, enslavement, or political ruin.  Individual payments at this level are near impossible in a single or next lifetime.  Your spirit will need to work tireless to right these wrongs.

Level Seven:  Corruption of Universal Connectivity

People have a right to enjoy a connection with the Universe or the Divine.  If their bond is corrupted, they are more prone to make decisions that harm other beings.  These debts are created by spiritual charlatans who thrive on spreading salacious and false information about cosmic interconnectedness.  Leaders who ensure their supports maintain these falsehoods will also be face with this type of karmic debt.

Secrets to Stop Feeling Drained for the Empath

Secrets to Stop Feeling Drained for the Empath

There are very few true empaths, about two percent of the population. However, many people can attest to having empathic traits. While some of the empathic traits like creativity, problem-solving, and intuition are wonderful, being empathic also has a down side. One of the biggest issues empaths face is empath fatigue. This is also known as burnout and can be due to a short term, intense situation or just a steady drain of energy over time. This empath fatigue can have strong negative effects on you physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. All empaths need to learn to spot this and prevent it. Many empaths feel largely misunderstood except by other empaths. They can “get” others, but few understand them. This happens often in caring fields where empaths can do well, but their energy can also be quickly drained. This happens because the empath cannot turn off their abilities.

Empaths experience burnout most times because of their role in life and where family and friends are concerned, it can be hard to avoid. However, choosing a field where caring for others is largely avoided can help to some extent. Empaths are inherently passive and laid back. They like to watch and understand instead of offering opinions. They also prefer to put the emotional needs of others above their own. This can mean it is a struggle to be heard and get needs met leading to empathic fatigue. In addition, others can be draining when they have expectations or assumptions about the empath. Empaths are valuable to family and friends, often the ones others turn to for support. However, this can lead others to unintentionally take the gift for granted and neglect to reciprocate. Few realize, outside of other empaths, that the ability cannot be turned off. This leaves an empath tuned in 24/7 all the time. This is why managing energy levels carefully is of the greatest importance. Keep reading to learn how to know if you are suffering from empathic burnout.

The following is a list of signs you are suffering from burnout as an empath.

  • You feel irritable and numb instead of compassionate
  • You feel mentally and/or emotionally exhausted
  • You struggle to sleep and do not feel rested when you do sleep
  • You are hypersensitive to emotional scenes in books, television, or movies
  • You struggle with intimacy with your partner
  • You self-isolate or become withdrawn
  • You have intrusive thoughts or experience brain fog
  • You dread work or time with friends
  • You are using unhealthy coping mechanisms like smoking or drinking
  • Poor skin condition or complexion change

If several of these apply, then you are struggling with some level of burnout. If this becomes severe, empaths can have adrenal fatigue. This results in aches and pains, exhaustion, brain fog, anxiety, and insomnia. If you feel this way, consult with a doctor or holistic specialist.

Fighting Empath Fatigue

While all empaths have some fatigue in their lives, there are ways to lessen the effects and at times, prevent the feelings from building. Try the techniques below to help restore energy levels and stop that drained feeling.

  • Know Yourself – We need to understand who we are and what type of empath we are to battle fatigue. Use your intuition when responding to fatigue prevention to find balance that works for you.
  • Be Aware and Acknowledge – Recognize the signs of burnout and deal with the underlying issues. It is better to take a few minutes a day to balance yourself then to have a meltdown and have to deal with everything at once. When your emotional reserves dwindle, acknowledge it and take action.
  • Self-Care – Self-care is vital, but it can be difficult for the empath. You are so busy caring for others that you forget to take care of yourself. The empathic gift is not limitless and you must recharge through consistent self-care. Choose self-care that works for you.
  • Good In/Good Out – Empaths are more sensitive to stimulants like alcohol, sugar, and caffeine. Indulging in these things can send you into overdrive. While it can be tempting to reach for these things when exhausted, it is not a long-term solution. Make some small changes to move these out of your diet over time.
  • Water – Water is a source of relaxation, peace, and healing for the empath. Whether you swim, soak in a tub, or look at crashing waves, it can recharge the empath.
  • Create Boundaries – Setting healthy boundaries with people who take your gift for granted can be helpful in preventing fatigue. This is especially important when it comes to energy vampires who may need totally removed from your life.
  • Identify Triggers – Every empath has different triggers. Pay attention to what is draining and what reinvigorates you in life.

Burnout is not inevitable. You can make changes to battle this fatigue if you are willing. Remember to care for yourself first or you will be unable to give to others.

14 Ways to Know You Are a Spiritual Empath

Spiritual Empath

Spiritual empaths are people with heightened awareness of other people’s feelings and emotions.  Empaths harness this skill and use it to improve the lives of others.  Because they see the world uniquely, their ability to feel is more intense to the point they can detect pain and understand what a people may need to heal.  If you suspect you may be an empath you may feel at times your gifts can be both a blessing and curse.  If you are unsure if you are an empath, here are 14 aspects to notice in your life.

Absorbing emotions like a sponge

You can’t enter a space without picking up on the thoughts and feelings of other people.  These external emotions can profoundly impact your life to the point it put a damper on your day.  While your skills provide comfort to others it can cause your pain and fatigue due to the overstimulation.  Therefore, it is essential you set boundaries and properly channel these emotions.  Remember, you can only control your emotional health and no one else’s.  Focus on providing them structured support and a listening ear.

Governed by intuition

Intuition is vital for empaths since they are so in sync with their surroundings.  They are guided by inner wisdom and a sense of rightfulness to the proper words and items for any situations.  Empath are drawn to spiritual practices like tarot, reiki, mediumship and shamanism that help others heals through inferring divine message through intuition.  It is because their senses are so elevated that empaths excel in psychic arts.  However, they must always make sure their intuitive skills are never clouded by anxiety or fears to ensure the most accurate readings possible.

Noticing energy shifts upon entering a room

Empath can instantly detect and analyze the energetic climate of any space they enter.  One sense the totality of the situation and the people involved, which if undeveloped can create mental confusion.  Trust your gut when it tells you if you should stay in a place or leave.  This gift is a superpower protecting you from any bad experiences.

Extraordinarily compassionate

It makes sense that experiencing other’s emotions can produce deep compassion.  Since you are aware of the struggles of another being, you have an innate desire to work with them to address and overcome this adversity.

Crave time alone

After absorbing a surplus of emotions and feelings, empaths treasure their time alone.  They need ample time by themselves to ground and balance, while purging excess emotions.  Without this aspect of an empath’s self-care, they may at greater risk for physical and mental strain.

Frequently experiencing stress or feeling overwhelmed

Constantly being bombarded by stimuli can easily make one feel stressed or overtaxed.  Due to empath’s increased sensitivity, anything they encounter becomes more intense.  It takes time and patience to sort through the rush of thoughts and emotions.  Only then can you properly create a plan to help the person without putting yourself at risk.

Attracting energy vampires

When one is so open to energy, they can easily become exploited by narcissists people.  You may always have notice you are reluctant to say no when someone askes you for help.  Be conscious about who is a frequent taker, and those that have the ability to give you support in return.  Identify the signs as quickly as possible.  Trust your gut and always have healthy boundaries established and respected.

Avoids conflict

Empaths struggle with navigated disagreements or feeling like they have to prove themselves.  Instead, you want an exchange of perspectives in the quest of mutual learning and growth.  Be careful to minimize contact with anyone that has the tendency to attack anyone that differs from their opinions.

You seem like everyone’s therapist

There is calming energy the radiates from any empath.  This makes it easy for people to quick trust their opinion.  This is become they feel like a safe, warm, and nonjudgmental space.  If you feel like you are holding secrets for others or constantly serve as sounding board for your loved one’s then you may be an empath.

You know when someone is sick

Empaths don’t just pick up on people’s emotional hardships, but also their physical ones as well.  They have a profound desire to help alleviate this pain and provide whatever comfort possible.

Desire to help others

You know in order for people to enjoy happiness and love they must understand that no man is an island.  Instead, we all must band together to help each other out.  You thrive on provide comfort to anyone in need and enjoy the act of caring for people, animals, and spaces.

You can’t tolerate pain

Pain is unacceptable to you.  You must understand it’s root causes, observe the situation from every angle and transform it into something beneficial.  You will always take an active role in solving any problem.

You get exhausted going out in public

Crowds are an instantly energy drain for an empath.  This is because stimulation is overly abundant and scattered.  In turn this will spike your anxiety and you will begin to crave your familiar sanctuaries to release the overflow of emotions and thoughts.

Being introverted

Typically, empaths are introverts because being around too many people can drain their energy supply.  Instead of gaining your strength from others, you will draw upon your rich inner world and creativity for joy or inspiration.

The Taste of Soul Experiences

Soul Experiences

The soul perceives the physical senses and this article will explore the sense of taste that exists within the human embodiment. Taste is important and we sensationalize eating as an experience. There are cooking shows and competitions to allow people to attempt to prepare the best meal. Someone then judges based only on taste preference.

Think of the spices and additives that have been created just to enhance the human experience of taste. Now think of how differently people react to certain spices or have opposing views of the same food. Even those sharing a meal at the same table, eating the same food, can have taste reactions that are different. Take this further and realize that humans have varying reactions to biting, swallowing, and ingesting the same foods. While this could be due to food allergies, chemicals used in production, or how the food is grown and harvested, but the variables still come out in how we experience the taste. Basically, no two humans taste anything in the exact same way. The way we experience the taste of something is completely personal to our taste buds, sensory, and circulatory systems. Looking at this from a spiritual perspective, the Source would be limited if things tasted the same every time to every person and this is not true of the Source.

Soul’s Perspective on Taste

The soul has a perspective on taste and it comes from within. Think about the last time you had a traumatic experience and suddenly got a sour taste in your mouth or metallic taste in the back of the throat. If you are not ingesting something at that moment, you are aligning that taste with an emotion. This is the soul’s taste experience, but people often explain it away or at least try. Physical taste is aligned with the contact of the tongue and taste buds in relation to a substance. This is something we reference as pleasant or not and can label it as salty, sweet, bitter, or sour.

The inner soul’s taste is a bit different and is first activated by an emotional experience. This can cause you to taste something with no substance. Think of the phrase the sweet taste of success or victory is sweet. We associate these with a pleasant taste without any substance present. Traumatic experiences also come with a taste, often sour or acidic, based on the emotions being stirred up.

The way to tell the difference is if your tongue touches something first or the emotion comes first. If the tongue touches something then it is a physical taste, otherwise it is an emotional reaction. As you refine your awareness of the process and have a heightened awareness state, you will be better prepared to align your soul with all your senses. As you work on aligning with the soul and you practice the act of conjuring the emotion, you can express this through taste, sight, and sound. Most people do not realize that we can experience the soul through our senses, but now that you do, you can raise awareness and be more in touch with the soul.

How to Unblock Your Chakras at Home

Unblock Your Chakras

Your chakra is the energy center of your body and it is the place where you have goodness in your mind, body and soul. You have to understand that your energies are a system and that your energy can be blocked. When you have blocked energies, it can cause you to be sick, to have strong emotions and to have problems in your life.

There are ways that you can unblock your chakras and if you want to clear your energy centers, here are some ways:

Saying Mantras

Learn to say mantras which are repeating words or sounds. These happen during yoga and can help to strengthen your chakras.


Using EFT or Tapping happens when you take your fingers, and you tap them on different parts of your body.

While doing tapping, say positive things to yourself to boost your energies.


Meditate and pay attention to which chakras are blocked or lacking.


Yoga can help to unblock your chakras and can help you to get rid of negative energy and to see your energy flow.

Using Essential Oils

Essential oils can help to balance and strengthen your chakras. Some are better for certain chakras than others.

Eating Healthy

Learn to eat healthy and find foods that are the color of the chakra that is blocked. Use this food to eat it and clear up your energies. This can balance your chakras.

Nature Walk

Go outside and walk-in nature. Go barefoot outside or go walk on the beach. You can embrace the nature and be grounded.

Deep Breathing

Concentrate on your breathing and let your air go from one chakra to the other ones. Inhale as deep as you can and be aware as you exhale your breath.


There are many ways that you can keep your chakras strong and healthy. You can unblock your chakras by concentrating on the energy of your chakras and by paying attention to any blockages that you might have.

Make sure that you are well in your mind, body and soul and that your energies are strong.

The Law of Karma and How it Helps You

Law of Karma and How it Helps You

Karma is something that we don’t always understand and sometimes it scares people. They wonder if they are going to be punished for things that they have done wrong and they wonder if they are going to see the consequences of their actions through strong karma.

Karma is something that is casual talk, and it is something that everyone in the world seems to know about. They don’t always know exactly what karma is, but they get the point about it.


Karma is a Sanskrit word that means “taking action.” This means that everything that you do in life is full of energy and whatever kind of energy you give; the universe will give it back to you. That is why if you are kind to someone, the universe will send you back kindness and if you are mean to someone the universe will send you meanness as well.

Whatever action you take in your life will have a result. This means that there is no middle ground because you are always doing something. This has to do with your actions and your thoughts.

How do you create goodness and peace in your life? You have to sow these things in order to do that.

Understanding the Influence of Karma

The best way to understand the Law of Karma is to be aware of your choices. You have to be aware of what choices that you make and let it be part of your unconscious mind. The more aware you are of what you do, the more you understand the actions that will come back to you.

You want to create peace and harmony in your life, so you have to make choices in accordance with that.

Choices are very important because they are what is happening in your life now. The past choices that you have made have to do with how you are living your life now. This can be in your relationships, jobs or other areas of your life.

The way that you feel and the choices that you have made are unconscious choices and they can be influenced by your ego. This means you can be prideful or feel that you are better than others and this can bring toxic things in your life.

The choices that you have made in your past can bring you peace or it can bring you harm.

Breaking the Cycle of Karma

The Law of Karma is a tool that you can use to help you in your life. This can help you rather you are young or old and can influence the path that you take in your life. You have the power in your hands to have good karma and it is completely up to you to make that happen.

You can change your life and your karmic past by the actions and thoughts that you have. Take a moment to look at the choices that you are making and make the unconscious decisions to make good choices.

Right Actions

There are some good actions that will bring you peace in your life and you need to ask yourself these questions:

  • What will be the consequences of my actions?
  • What choice will make me happy?

There is going to only be one choice that will lead you to happiness and the rest of them will lead you to darkness. Figure out the right choice and action to make and make sure you are being influenced by what you do.


How do you know what action is right? You need to make sure that you use your intuition which is a gift from the universe, to make good choices. Listen to your mind and your body and pay attention to what you are feeling and what your heart is telling you.

Find the sensation in your body that feels good and the ones that do not and let your heart lead you. Pay attention to what your heart is telling you and let it tap into your knowledge and your power.

Law of Karma

You can use the Law of Karma to manifest things to your life. You can see things come to you such as money and good relationships.

The Law of Karma means that you have to know the consequences of your actions and that the choices that you make will bring energy to your life.

The more aware you are of the choices that you make, the more peace and happiness you can have in your life.

Getting Rid of Karmic Debt

 Once you know how to have good karma, you have to understand your past karma. You can do nothing to change your past karma because this is what you have that has to be repaid to you. The Law of Karma will sometimes have your back and will not make you suffer as much as you should, but you still have to pay this karma back.


See your past karma as an opportunity to learn and grow. If something bad comes into your life, handle it in a positive way. You caused this experience, and you have to make sure that you are allowing yourself to suffer through it and still to remain positive.

You can break the karmic pattern by doing things such as:

  • Letting yourself learn from your experiences.
  • Figuring out what you did that caused this to happen.
  • Using the experience to be a better person.

This is giving you the opportunity to make your situation better and to help you find your purpose in life. Even when things are painful, learn to deal with them and learn to allow them to make you a better person.


Talk to a psychic and let them guide you through your karmic debt. This won’t get rid of your karma, but it will help you to have a better outlook on life and can help others to learn from your mistakes.

Old Patterns

Another thing that you have to do is to not fall back into old mistakes and patterns. Learn from your karma and learn to be a better person.

Getting rid of old karma can help you by:

  • Letting you plant better seeds with your actions.
  • Allowing you to have good decisions and intentions in your life.
  • Help you to take positive actions.

When you make better choices in your life, you will see that the things around you will begin to change. This will help you to be a better person and will help you to find happiness.


Here are some things you can commit to the Law of Karma:

  • Make better choices and be aware of how you treat others.
  • When you make a choice, make sure it is going to bring you happiness.
  • Ask your heart to guide you and to show you when you are making bad choices.


Learn from your actions to make better choices in your life. Become conscious about what choices that you are making and allow your good karma to build up in your life.

Living a better life can help you to avoid pain and suffering and to help you to treat others better and to bring happiness and joy in your life. This is a tool that can help you to have peaceful karma and to live a life full of hope and harmony.

Looking for Signs and Omens

Signs and Omens

We are always exposed to different ads, social media and other digital news. We get information based on what other people say instead of taking time to look things up.

We have lost the connect that we always have had with the natural world and we allow ourselves to be communicated with just through internet and other electronics.

We forget that there are birds, different seasons, grass, insects, trees and other things in nature because we do not pay attention to what is going on around us.

Signs of Significance

Nature is always there to talk to you and give you signs, but sometimes you are missing these signs. We get all of our ups and downs on the web and we forget that these signs are there to help us on our spiritual journey.

We can learn how to find our guidance and we can learn to connect with nature and to learn who we are.

Signs of the Present

We have to learn to connect to the world around us and learn to pay attention to the signs that nature wants to give us. We have to look at the signs and see if they are guiding us and helping us to make it through our lives.

We can see that things are around us and that there is life and signs in everything that we do. We can look beyond what our eyes see.

Chaos of Past and Future

Everyday, you need to take time to ground yourself and to reconnect with nature. You need to allow your mind to look around and to seek signs through nature.

When you learn to have a deep observation and learn to understand the world around you, you can have peace and joy and you can learn to live life with every opportunity in front of you.

Spiritual Awakening

When you see signs form nature, you will learn to connect with the world around you. You will learn to see the present and open up your mind and your conscious thinking. You will learn to be deeper and you will learn to see your soul change.

The spirit has to wake up and you have to learn to believe that you are given a chance to have a good life and the signs that come to you might seem strange, but they are there to help you reach your future and better self.

Someone that is seeing signs will see that their soul is speaking to them and the signs and symbols are there.

Difference Between Signs and Omens

There is a difference between a sign and an omen, and the difference is the way that the soul is communicating with you.

An omen is a sign or a symbol and this is how you can get information into your soul. You might wonder why there is a difference, but this happens because the universe wants to tell you different things.


A sign will come when you need to make a good decision in your life and when you need an answer that can help you.


An omen happens out of nowhere and will be there to guide you and to give you confidence so that you can be stronger. This is a mysterious thing and can help you to see that something prophetic is happening.

Signs and Guidance

The way that you experience things in your life can be an omen and this is something that can help to change your life. Maybe you see something that you have never seen, if this happens, the world is trying to communicate with you.

Having a prophetic omen can happen for many different reasons and you have to look at the different symbols and changes that take place when you see these signs.

You will see that signs come with a shift and if you have seen an omen in your life, you will know that the natural environment is trying to connect with you.

Seeing Signs and Omens

We are all connected to the universe and that doesn’t mean that we always listen to our signs. Chances are that you will have omens and signs come to you and you will see that you are part of nature that wants to help you to shape your life.


Dreams are one time where you can see omens and signs. This can be dreams that are vivid to you and the dreams can seem very real. Some people even have lucid dreams.

Dreams can be a time when people from the dead come to visit you or where you get different signs about your life. When you have a symbol in your dream, learn to recognize this and pay attention to the signs that you see.

Everyday Life

You will see signs and omens in everyday life. You will see that there will be things that you experience such as ringing in your ears, numbers that repeat or even things that just seem lucky. Maybe good random things happen to you. This is called synchronicity.

There are different ways that the spirit world can contact you and you have to learn to pay attention to what you are feeling and seeing.


Nature can help to give you signs because nature is part of life. These messages can be seen through the way the trees move and through the animals that you see.

These signs can always be changing, and they can remind you of your life and your mindfulness. Learn to experience new things and pay attention to nature.

Ways You Know You Have Gotten a Sign

There are things that you can notice so that you can know if you got a sign or an omen and here is how:

  • A valid sign will happen when you ask questions about your life then get a sudden answer.
  • If you feel special, this can be a sign.
  • When something gets your attention fast, this can be a sign or omen.
  • When the sign makes you feel emotional.
  • When it makes you meditate?

After Getting a Sign

Once you get a sign, you will be happy, and you will see that your life is good. Here are some things you should do after getting a sign:

  • Be thankful and offer thanks.
  • Think of the meaning.
  • Let the meaning come to you.
  • Journal how this sign made you feel.

What Signs Mean

The spirit guides want to give you signs. When you get one, figure out how this sign makes you feel. Did it bring back memories or cause you to feel a certain way? Listen to your intuition and learn to translate your sign.

Maybe you won’t get the meaning right away but at the right time, you will get the answers that you need.

Once you are more aware of your signs, you will see that you can grow and that you can find your spiritual awakening. You can get a deeper meaning of what is going on around you and you will see that you can connect to nature and the spirit world. Get rid of your ego and learn to have peace and love.

Identify and Strengthen Clairaudience with These Easy Tips


Clairaudience is the extrasensory gift of hearing. Clairaudients are able to auditorily receive messages and information from beyond the physical realm.

The term “clairaudient” is rooted in two French words which translate to “clear hearing.” Clairaudients clearly hear spirits and spirit guides, angels, voices, music, or ringing that most other people can’t hear at all.

Clairaudients can clearly sense auditory input, such as spiritual messages, beyond the typical range of human ears. Clairaudient gifts may manifest while meditating, channeling, dreaming (such as hearing a spiritual entity in a dream), or even when clairaudients are awake. The input may include the clear hearing of communication from angels, spirit animals, spirit guides, loved ones who have passed, and other non-physical beings, and may even sound like music or a high-pitched frequency.

Are You Clairaudient?

Not everyone with a psychic gift is born with it. People can acquire or develop such abilities later in life. Some uncover or develop the abilities in the course of, or after, a spiritual awakening. Others may have possessed clairaudient abilities their whole lives, but never fully understood them.

Clairaudient abilities are quite noticeable when you know how to spot them. Whenever you hear something like voices or music with no obvious source, you’re experiencing clairaudience. Here are five common signs that you may have the gift of clairaudience.

  1. You sometimes hear voices. Clairaudients psychically hear voices just as clearly as if a physical person was talking, although the being who is communicating may not be visible.

These are often angels, spirit guides, teachers of light, or ancestors who want to offer you their support and loving guidance.

  1. You often hear ringing in your ears. Clairaudients readily perceive high vibrational frequencies, so they often hear ringing in their ears. They may be hearing the Universe’s elemental frequency, or of beings from the spiritual realm entering their awareness. Whatever the source, the sound is generally short-term and simply quiets down on its own. (Please note that if the ringing you hear is distracting, disruptive, or sustained, you should have your hearing evaluated by a hearing specialist.)
  2. You hear music beyond your physical senses. Musical proficiency is commonly a result of clairaudience. Gifted musicians are often clairaudient, and can hear whole songs in their head prior to writing lyrics or compose music.

If you clairaudiently hear a song repeating in your head, pay attention to its message. Entities in the spiritual realm often communicate loving guidance in this manner.

  1. You’re a clear communicator. A robust throat chakra often goes hand-in-hand with clairaudience, because the throat chakra is responsible for clear communication. Clairaudients excel in careers involving communications including speaking, writing, or listening.
  2. You often talk to yourself. Clairaudients tend to work things out verbally and offer themselves spoken counsel when they’re in challenging situations. If this makes you uncomfortable, you can train yourself to quietly ponder or meditate instead of talking to yourself.

Develop Your Clairaudience

Just as your body is strengthened with physical exercise, clairaudience can be acquired and encouraged with clairaudience exercises.

These five simple techniques will encourage your clairaudience and clear your psychic channels to receive information through extrasensory hearing.

  1. Meditation. Meditation will calm and focus you, which will help you generally strengthen your psychic gifts. To specifically develop clairaudience, focus your awareness on your throat, which is the location of your throat chakra. It’s responsible for hearing more clearly from the spiritual realm.

Visualize your throat chakra opening, which will allow information to flow to you clairaudiently. Maintain your awareness of your throat chakra after you finish meditating to keep the channel open.

  1. Clear and balance your throat chakra. Clearing and balancing all seven of your chakras will strengthen all of your psychic gifts on multiple levels, and assist you in overall spiritual awakening. But clearing obstructions from your throat chakra will aid clairaudience development the most.

If your throat chakra is blocked, you may not be able to communicate with the spiritual realm. Humming, chanting, or singing will all unblock your throat chakra. You can also stop gossiping and avoid speaking negatively about people, including yourself.

  1. Use crystals. Certain crystals will assist your clairaudience development and increase your abilities, especially when you hold them near your ears and throat.

Labradorite powerfully strengthens psychic gifts. Its iridescent blue, turquoise, green, and gold flashes are stunning. Wear labradorite earrings to strengthen clairaudient abilities.

Selenite, a clear to pearlescent crystal, vibrates at a very high frequency and doesn’t need clearing. To help advance your clairaudience, pass a selenite stick or wand around your temples and ears during meditation and focus your thoughts on clearing your clairaudient channels. It will also help to wear selenite gemstone earrings and place a natural or carved selenite tower near where you sleep and meditate.

  1. Listen actively. Active listening sharpens your intuitive senses. To do this, start breathing rhythmically and simply listen. Calm your mind and focus on the sounds all around you. Don’t concern yourself with receiving clairaudient messages. Just breathe and listen.

The more you practice, the more effectively you’ll quiet your rational mind so you can receive clairaudient information from the spiritual realm. It is easier for them to reach you with guidance and messages when you’re calm and listening.

  1. Ask for spiritual assistance. You don’t have to know you’re clairaudient to receive information from your spirit guides. Focusing on and asking for this ability will help you develop it. Angels, teachers of light, and our spirit guides can help us more effectively when we simply ask them to. They may direct you to a specific herb or exercise that will help you, or communicate with you in your dreams to further develop your clairaudience.

Are you clairaudient? If not, would you like to be? Have you faced problems with your clairaudience? Do you have any other tips on clairaudience that help you? Please share in the comment section below!

The Personal Meaning of Spirituality

Personal Meaning of Spirituality

Defining the term spirituality is difficult because it is a highly individual way of experiencing life. There is not a single method or path that calls to everyone in a similar way. When a group of people were asked what spirituality meant to them, the answers below were given and put together as a way to better understand the spirituality of others.

Universal Spirituality

When asked about universal spirituality, some answered that we are spirits in a human body, not a human with a spirit. Spirituality is about being connected to all of creation, even beyond the earth. It is further about being aware of and at peace with the inner self. This means keeping an open mind about possibilities and taking a broader spiritual view of everything. It requires you to be at peace with yourself on all levels while living in the moment. Some say this is like being a newborn, experiencing everything as it comes as new and unique, judgement free. This also means we are in touch with the absolute, relative, physical, and living within the realization that all living things are interconnected. When we realize this, we live in repentance, forgiveness, readjustment, and deep appreciation.

Spirituality and Religion

When asked about the terms and meanings of spirituality and religion, people offered the following insights. Spirituality and religion are the way to find balance and a peaceful path that looks inward when making a decision, interacting with others, or facing an issue. We must see with the eyes of a higher power. It is being present for God and His people with forgiveness, wisdom, compassion, and grace as God has shown. Spirituality and religion are about mindfulness, thankfulness, and praying to your creator. Spirituality for some is a part of participation in organized religion, but for others it is more personal to get in touch with a spiritual side, like through yoga, reflection, and meditation.

Spirituality Through Compassion

When asked how to show spirituality through compassion, the following statements were given. Spirituality is openness, kindness, and love toward all things. It is recognition of the fact we are all spirits with the same basic right to life and recognizing we need to look beyond our own ego. We need to be compassionate to all sentient beings and receptive of nature’s influence. We must further honor our souls and those of others by looking for true beauty beyond the shell of the person.

Uniquely Spiritual

To further explain spirituality, some say that religion is the institutionalization of spirituality and institutionalizing things never goes well. There are many thoughts on spirituality that show the differences and similarities between the idea of spirituality and religion. Regardless of how you define spirituality or religion for yourself, it is necessary to remember that we all hold unique viewpoints, but can still be accepting of others.

Finding a Soulmate

Finding a Soulmate

When you wonder if you are going to find your soulmate, know that you are not alone. Many people find themselves asking this same question and this article can help to guide you through finding your love. This can also help you to connect with your angels and your spirit guides. This is not hard, and it has been available to you since day one.

When you were born, you were given guardian angels and guides. They stay with you for your whole life and help you, even though you don’t see them. They came to you so that you could be protected.

When you need help finding your soulmate, you can ask your angels to help you and they can help to guide you and lead you where you need to go.

Guardian Angels

A guardian angel is a light being that is there to help you. They do not live in the physical earth and so they can always be there for you. Sometimes they come in the form of a human and sometimes they don’t, but their job is to help you find the way and to protect you.


When you want to really connect with your angel, the best way is to meditate. When you do this, it increases your vibrations so that you can communicate with your angels better. You can improve your communication by meditating each day and keeping in contact.


Talk to your guardian angel and ask them to help you find your soulmate and your future love. You can ask them to keep you safe and ask them to not let you make mistakes that are going to hurt you. Ask your guides to help you follow the right journey path because nothing is too hard for them to help you.

When you communicate with your angel, you can write to them or you can talk to them out loud. Ask them to bless you or to come to you in dreams. Ask them to bring you happiness and love and do not doubt them.

How Can Your Guide Help You?

Your guide can help you to find the person that you are meant to be with. They can help you to be open to your soul mate and to help you communicate with them and find the love that you have dreamed about.

Your angel can help you to find what you want and to answer your questions about your love life. Your angels will answer you in different ways such as a dream or a vision. They might even talk to you in a real voice. Your guardian can be an inner voice that you hear or your consciousness talking.

It is important that you always have an open mind so that you can hear them. If you are not sure you are hearing your guardian angel, pay attention to your signs. If you find someone that you think might be your soulmate, there are some signs to look for.

Signs of a Soulmate

Here are some signs that can come after you ask your angels to help you such as:

  • Meeting someone that you immediately fall in love with.
  • If you feel like you have known someone forever.
  • You finish their sentence.
  • You know what they are thinking.
  • You feel like you are part of destiny. You feel a strong connection.

Your angels will help you to find your love and will help you to go out and have a good life. They will create ways that you can find your soulmate.

Time Frame

There is no real time frame in finding your soulmate and even though we live in a world where everything is fast, we have to learn to be more dependent on our guardians and to trust them. They will help you to meet your soulmate and if you try to stop it, the angel cannot do their job.

Remember that your angel’s main thing is to guide you and keep you safe. Your guide will know the best time for you to meet your soulmate and the best place to be.

Be sure that one day you will meet the perfect person for you, and you do not have to rush off or do your own thing for that to happen. Take time to listen to your angels and to trust them.