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Increasing Your Psychic Powers

Increasing Your Psychic Powers

Think about being in a room that is full of stinky and heavy air.  Imagine that it is hard to breathe and that it is upsetting and nasty.  Did you know that this can happen both physically and on a psychic level?  When there is negative energy that is inside of you, this energy sometimes has a hard time of getting out and can cause your positive energy to not be able to circulate or help you.  This is pollution in your spirit.

Negative energy can get stuck inside of you and can bring about anger and resentment.  IT can cause you not to be able to forgive and cause you to be afraid of things.  When there are issues in your life that you don’t take care of, you are trapping in this negative energy.

Nasty Energy

Nasty energy can bring about bad thoughts.  It can cause you to have strong emotions that are negative and painful.  This can cause your body to get clogged and your chakras to become blocked.  Sooner or later you will experience the following things:

  • Stronger negative energy.
  • Energy gets blocked and cannot flow.
  • Clogged thoughts.
  • Negative energies increase.
  • Negativity will bring more negativity.
  • Spiritual health becomes dull.
  • Relationships become strained.
  • Your psychic energy will overheat and will make you become detached in life.
  • You will be angry and emotional.
  • You will have a bad outlook on life.
  • Your thoughts and emotions will always be negative.
  • You will get physically sick.

Strong Energies

When your energy cannot flow around inside of you, it becomes stuck and will eventually build up and cause negative things to happen to you.  Soon you will find that you are having feelings you aren’t used to such as anger or jealousy.  You will never admit there is a problem because you will not understand that this is your negative energies that are blocking your happiness.

When you learn to take care of your problems and learn to let go of bad things, you will see that your life can be happy, and you can get your negative energies out.

When you choose to take your negativity out on other people and you are rude or hateful, you will see bad things happen to you.  You are continuing to gather more negative energy inside of your body.

Getting Rid of Negative Energy

If you want to be happy and live a good life, you have to get rid of the energy inside of you and allow it to flow.  You have to get rid of whatever is causing your chakra to be blocked.

In order to do this, you might need to meditate.  Here is how you do it:

  • Go to a quiet place and take a writing pen with you.
  • Ask your spirit guides to help you.
  • Relax and take deep breathes. Write things down that bother you and have caused you to be upset.  Write down things form your childhood that have caused you to feel ugly or take harbor negative feelings.  Write down anyone who has rejected you and whenever love has not worked out.
  • Don’t edit your paper or leave anything out, even if it is ugly. Allow yourself to keep writing down everything.  This is releasing you.  Write what is on your mind and even if you are scribbling, get it on the paper so you can get rid of it.
  • When you have written down all of your feelings, ask the guides to help you let them go. Close your eyes and talk to your spirit guides.
  • Put the paper in something and burn it.
  • Watch it turn to ashes and feel the negative energies burning away.
  • When the paper is all burned up, gather the ashes and scatter them in the wind and let yourself be free.
  • Thank the spirit guides for helping you.

If you have done this and you find that some of your issues are not solvable, go to a psychic and ask them to help you.  See what they can do and see if they can look in your past life to see why you can’t let go of some of the emotions.

A good psychic should be able to look at your system and see what is blocked in your chakra and why.

Negative energy is unhealthy, and it will leave you feeling useless and drained.  Do not let your body keep this negative energy in because it will cause you to be mentally and physically ill.

Rune Stones

Rune Stones

Rune StonesRune stones or cards are tools of divination to help to predict the future.  There are 24 stones with different alphabetic symbols that are made out of wood or glass or other materials.  Most of the time they are carried in some kind of pouch or a box.

Most ruins are cast east to west or facing the sun and a cloth can be laid down to figure out which way to cast them.  The person throwing has to focus on the question and after throwing the stones, the ones that are face up are the ones that you read.

Sometimes, the reader will pick a rune stone out of the bag and will read it randomly.  This is known as a 3 rune spread and can help to answer questions.


FEHU-F:  Cattle means abundance and self-value and success.


URUZ-U:  Brute strength means strength and change and force.


Thurisaz-TH:  Seeing the future.  This means seeing in the future and having luck and seeing the truth.

ANSUZ:  god, Odin

This is a message from within yourself, a voice or advice.

RAIDHO-R:  Journey

This is when you are about to go on a journey, and you will have your soul healed.

KENAZ-K:  Torch

This is when you feel that there is darkness and the rune is opening you up to light.

GEBO-G:  Gift of Relationships

This is when you will get higher with yourself and nature.

WUNJO-W:  Glory

You will have peace and pleasure and happiness.

HAGALAZ-H:  Destructive

This can be things out of your control

NAUTHIZ-N:  Negative

This is when you have a caution and a resistance or a delay in something you are waiting for.

ISA-I:  Ice

Frozen in a certain time, inner truth.

JERA-J or Y:  Cycle

This is when you will get a reward after you have planted a seed and it cannot be reversed.


This is when you are doing the right thing and you will get a new life.

PERTHRO-P:  Initiation

When something happens that you don’t expect and is not easily shared.  This means there is a secret on the Earth or in the spirit world.  This is when nothing external happens but just the heart matters.

There is hidden information and truths that need to be found.  It can be reversed from events that need to be cleared up or an unpleasant surprise.

Never repeat the past.


Having a spirit guide.

TEIWAZ-T:  Sky God

Successful in what you are doing.  Low energy.


A circle of wholeness and self-knowledge.

BERKANA-B:  Birch god

To prepare and to reference your family.

EHWAZ-E:  Sacred Home

Balancing your universe and using tools to help you move forward.

MANNAZ-M:  Humanity

Have a conscience of humanity being one having a good attitude.

LAGUZ-L:  Water

Using emotions to flow into your body in all parts of you.

INGWAZ-NG:  Fertility

Having new life and pregnancy.

DAGAZ-D:  Light

A new day.

OTHALA-O:  Ancestry

Getting an inheritance or release.  Being free.

Blank Rune

This means anything can be possible and that what has been done can change directions.  If the blank rune was added it means, there are different possibilities that you can face.


The history of the Rune is that it served as magic and came from the Roman to Germanic age and was a person that could use them with their magic.

When the medieval times, the runes would bring victory or would give people a chance to change their minds.

The Runes were used by Nazi symbols and was part of the occult for some time.  They would use it a mysticism and they would publish things on how to use the runes.

Modern runes are used in the occult and the IChing.

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing a Set of Runes

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Set of Runes

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Set of RunesThere are those who want to learn how to read runes and may be considering collecting a set of their own. While it may seem difficult, learning the craft isn’t that hard but you will need to understand some aspects of it before you go out and buy your own set.

Runes are tiles or pieces with archaic European letters on them. The letters are used in divination. There are several types of rune systems, but the most well known is the Elder Futhark system that contains 24 symbols. This system quit being used in alphabetic language around the 8th century A.D. Other systems include the Younger Futhark, the Witch’s runes and Northumbrian runes.

The run letters have three levels of meaning. Each has a sound and each as a concrete object or action it represents. Then, each has a mystical meaning. When you cast runes, you activate intuition and gather information. Most who use the craft say that runes have a condensed meaning and each letter can speak volumes to those who know how to use them.

You can either buy or make your own rune set. There are advantages to both. Making your own gives you a chance to learn the symbols and painting the symbols can be relaxing and bring energy to your set. If you are a crafty person, you may find this a great way to express your creativity.

There are also many lovely sets you can buy. Finding a set you love is a good way to start off your journey into learning how to read runes. When you buy a rune set, it typically comes with a box or drawstring to keep them in and a list of basic instructions, which may make you feel more comfortable.

There are several materials that runes can be made from whether you choose to make them or buy them. That includes ceramic pieces, metals, stones, glass wood, gemstones and even bone or antlers. Each reportedly has different properties that are important to the reading of them and a set has to call to you for it to really hold any power when you use it.

Witches tend to like the bone runes, which are made from animal bones, but that may creep others out. Those sold commercially are typically made from water buffalo bone, which come from Asian dairy farms.

Deer antlers are another product used to make runes. Many feel this is close in power to bone and work well with those to feel connected to the energy of a stag.  Another choice is wood, particularly those of folklore like oak, elder and ash. Those with varnish or a sealant will keep the symbols protected, but you can also find them in natural wood that has a light beeswax coating.

Stones or precious gems make for beautiful runes. While many old-fashioned pagans believe runes must be in bone or wood, others believe the properties of crystals combined with the runic alphabet make them powerful. They are lovely and easy to work with and you can choose your set based on the properties of each stone. For instance, jasper elicits courage and amethyst brings out intuition.

Ceramic runes are popular with crafters who decide to make their own set. These tiles are either oven-baked or kiln-fired. Glass or pewter runes are more rare to find, even though they are manmade.

Many believe most anything can be made into a rune set as long as the craft is respected. Some believe the alphabet sanctifies what it touches, but others have limits on what could be used out of respect and say the craft shouldn’t be cheapened with cheap materials like plastic.

However, most who practice also believe money shouldn’t prevent anyone from studying the runes. Therefore, what you select for your personal rune set is a personal decision of your own conscious.

After you pick your material, you need to pick your size. They shouldn’t be too small because you want them to feel good in your hands and be easy to read. Most say a half-inch tile is too small for most people and urge those who are serious about them to go larger. Those experts in the craft do insist all the tiles should be about the same size and feel in case you use the “blind draw” method. Blind drawing is putting your hand in the rune bag and pulling out a tile.

After deciding on the size, you should decide the shape. They come as flat, round, or symmetrical. The shape depends on how your use them. If you want to lay them out in a grid, tile shaped is perfect. Drawing from a bag would make a round shape the right choice. However, round or symmetrical runes make it difficult to see when a rune is reversed. Some readers can read the reversed runes and want to know when they come up reversed. If this is something that matters to you, you will need to pick a shape where you can tell if its reversed.

It can be a little intimidating to pick your first rune set.  Don’t let that scare you. Pick a set you like and use them to learn. You can always pick another set later as your grown in your knowledge.

Psychic Readings: Divination Tool Free

psychic Divination Tool

psychic Divination ToolMany enjoy using divination tools like the pendulum, tarot and oracle cards for readings, but if you want to develop intuition and psychic senses without tools, then there are some things you can do to help. Even if you are questioning whether you can pull it off and still give accurate readings, you can.

There is no such thing as not having enough intuition because psychic development can be learned by anyone so accurate messages can be shared. Follow these simple ideas to build on your ability to divine without tools.

Developing Senses

Anyone, even if not born into a psychic family, can be a psychic. This is something you can develop with time and patience. Children are often more sensitive to the supernatural and energies because they are more psychically open.

This connection becomes blocked over time as we grow up in a society that acknowledges only the physical realm. As you are around people who do not believe in spiritual things or feel they are stupid and evil, then the low vibrations and thoughts clog up the channels.

Connections to the spirit are like a window that must remain clean to be useful. Denying the existence throws mud on the glass and blocks the views. We correct this by cleaning. The way to clean the spirit pathways is by making sure the chakras are unblocked. While work on all of them is important, the main focus should be the crown and third eye.

To accomplish this, dedicate yourself to 30 days of meditation with focus on chakras. Your intuition will sharpened during this time. This can be obvious in oracle readings as more detail becomes obvious to you.

Divination Readings

As your intuition and senses become more developed, you can use them in readings to read tarot intuitively or even add a psychic pre-read into your overall process. Reading tarot intuitively is simply about relying on your intuition over memorized card meanings as the reading moves forward. This can involve feelings, images, senses of knowing, and specific thoughts as you look at the cards.

Even though your intuition may pull you away from typical card meanings, allow it to happen as the answers may be even more accurate with deeper meaning. The best way to move from tarot reading to psychic readings is by involving intuition in readings and then transitioning away from tarot. To do this, try a pre-read which is just tuning in to the energies before a reading ever begins.

Here is how to get started:

  • Begin with grounding meditation
  • While the vibration is high, focus on your querent’s name or image
  • Write down and specific feelings or thoughts you get
  • As the reading begins, add this information and mention it to the client

Though it may be scary to try this, your accuracy may be surprising. Do the pre-read ahead of time before the client ever enters. Over time you will gain confidence and can move to an intermediary step between pre-read’s and full psychic readings.

As you gain confidence, try doing a psychic reading before the tarot reading before the client offer any information. Base your accuracy of whether you proceed with the reading. This can be scary, but can also boost your confidence and intuition further.

Then you can move to psychic only readings. However, this does not mean you have to give up tarot or choose one over the other. Have fun and do what you enjoy most as you are developing and growing in your skills. Make the choice that I right for you.

Divination Using Rune Stones

Divination Using Rune Stones

Divination Using Rune StonesRunes are the symbols of ancient Scandinavian and Germanic languages. Various meanings of the word “rune” in different languages include “secret” and “mystery,” Magic runes and rune stones are used in the spiritualism and astrology as divination methods. The rune symbols are believed to hold specific meanings and represent gifts of spiritual truth.

Some people believe rune symbols came into existence through an oracle’s magic. Others believe they’re rooted in the ritualistic language of the Nordic people.  Many people believe that rune symbols contain the universe’s secrets.

Stones with rune symbols carved into them can be used to help manifest positive virtues into their lives. The magic of rune stones has a long history dating to medieval times in multiple cultures and ethnic groups. Victory runes were oven carved into sword handles to ensure the victory of the wielder.

Though runes have been in use for more than 2,000 years, they’re still quite popular today. Use of these divine secret-holders to answer questions helps you draw more peace, love, happiness, and abundance into your life.

Several steps are necessary as you prepare to cast rune stones. The secret to accurate readings and manifesting positivity into your life lies in asking proper questions with clear and optimistic intentions—an optimistic perspective helps you attain positive results!

The 24-symbol Elder Futhark set is the best starter rune stone set. Runes are carved into just about any material, including bone, wood, and stone. The best rune stones are made of amethyst, jasper, and hematite.

Traditional rune-casting methods require you to focus on your question. This usually involves meditation to cleanse and clear your mind of negative energy and unhelpful thoughts. But regardless of which method you use, it’s essential for your mind to be free from clutter and negative energy before you begin casting runes. This will help you completely tune in to the runes and obtain the divine guidance that you’re seeking.

Completing a basic meditation is an effective way to clear your mind before you begin casting runes. Consider that as part of your process to help you reap the full benefits.

Single Rune Casting

Casting one rune is the simplest way to read rune stones to answer one question. The process involves randomly drawing out one stone from the set, then discerning the meaning of that one stone.

This is unquestionably the simplest divination method to answer a question with rune stones. Most rune stone sets come with instructions that explain each symbol along with its possible meanings. When you first begin using rune stones, it’s helpful for you to use these instructions. However, learning to rely on your intuition will result in connected and more powerful readings.

Your intuition will lead you through readings, so go into the process with a clear, uncluttered mind. This will allow you to more easily tune in to the universe’s messages in the runes. Practicing more often will help your confidence grow quicker and your readings to become clearer.

Three Rune Stone Spreads

When you want to answer more than a single question, the three-stone rune spread divination method will serve you well. The process is similar to the single-stone draw described above, except instead of picking one stone, you randomly pick three. This spread will work better to answer broader inquiries and multiple questions and offers a deeper understanding of your answers.

Here are the steps to performing a three rune-stone spread:

  1. Gather your runes in a pouch.
  2. Gently shake the stones while you think about the questions you want to answer.
  3. Draw a stone from the bag and hold it in your hand. Repeat until you’ve drawn three stones.
  4. Toss the three runes onto a flat surface covered by a white cloth. To obtain an accurate reading, toss toward the sun from east to west. Take note of where and in what position the stones land.
  5. Once you cast your stones, the ones that remain rune-side up are your answers. Simply look up the meanings of those stones to obtain your answers. If the stones landed rune-side down, they have different meanings, so pay attention to each stone’s position when you’re looking up their meanings.
  6. Start your reading from the center. One by one, begin reading the stones that landed rune-side up. These stones represent the current nature of the situation you’re questioning and give an overview of the objective reality of the situation beyond your own perceptions. To help you remember the information from your reading, take notes as you progress through your reading.

Next, read the stones that landed away from the center of the spread. These stones represent outside influences you can’t control and can’t see happening. Somebody may help you, though a storm may be on its way.

Stones that landed rune-side down represent the future regarding the situation you’re asking about. If there’s only one stone rune-side down, it represents your future outcome. If two stones landed rune-side down, the first one you read represents the next one to six months, while the second one represents the six to 12 months after that. If all three runes landed face-down, the movement in the situation you’re reading about will happening in the future.

Finally, listen to your intuition as you read. Opening your mind will help you discover revealing information about the situation that you weren’t aware of before.

The Creative Casting of Rune

The creative casting of rune

The creative casting of runeThe gift of Odin

Nobody knows how old runes are exactly.  Rune like signs have been found in caves with writings which hail back as early as the bronze age, the shields of warriors bent on quest possess paintings from runes and their symbols and runes have also been given reference in the bible. Scientists also say that runes had been used for some centuries before the time or need of language since its symbols were well created for communication.

A Theatre to self

The motto of runes is “Know thyself” nothing more, nothing less. Runes teach and provide powerful guidance. They are a medium or a bridge and not a fortune teller or a prophet. We both have oracles inside us. We are exercising our oracle abilities when we pray, look for information or ask for what we want.

 Consulting the oracle

We are in a world that keeps developing and evolving. We internalize the lessons very fast as souls and the universe gives us guidance into a new world of growth and prosperity.  You are responsible for every scene in any situation at the end of the day.  It is our needs that control the energy of the runes into sacred play when we consult the runes.

You can seek help from runes when you feel overwhelmed or facing a situation with limited information. To start this, you will have to close your eyes, take deep breaths and center yourself. Others light a candle to symbolize sacred space. Focus on the issue at hand once you are ready. You will then pick the stones from the back, move your fingers around them until the right stone shows up. At this point, it is important to put your intuitive communication into practice. Some people say that the right rune is different from the others; it is sticky to the fingers, look warmer than others or can pull your belly a bit. Regardless of what your experience might be, there is just something that keeps telling you this is the one.

Oracle of the self

The message whispered in our ears will grow to become signs that can’t be ignored when we keep practicing connection to our knowledge and trust-building and affection for this channel. I trust all of us to have inside wisdom that we want to be embraced and heard. Therefore, I want you to ask yourself. “what do I need to know for my life now?”

The question asked is what a Rune is and how it can bring Happiness, Luck or help you find missing keys!

Rune is and how it can bring Happiness, Luck or help

Rune is and how it can bring Happiness, Luck or helpElder FUTHARK language says that a Rune can be many things, some of them being “a letter from the old Viking language that you see all over Mjolnir”, “Thor’s hammer in the Marvel movies”, as well as “artifacts from that era.”

Runes have many uses and their history is equally varied.

The answer to “What exactly is a rune” will actually depend on the school of thought you look at it. If you are looking at it through the lens of linguistics, then it’s just the name for a letter in old Germanic alphabets.

But if you are looking at it through its divination, then a rune could be the letter on a tile, or a piece of bone, or a particularly pretty stone, that’s used in casting.

Similarly, when it’s looked at through magic or spells, then it’s just a mark of significance to the person casting the magic.

Further, the Runes discussed here are specifically from the Elder FUTHARK language and fit all those definitions.

Historically, Elder FUTHARK is a pictographic language, so each rune originally represented something specific. Owing to the nature of the language, there wasn’t much difference between cases, like with most languages today. The name is made up of the first six runes of their alphabet: fehu ( ), uruz ( ), thurisaz ( ), ansuz ( ), raidho ( ), and kenaz ( ).

It being originally a pictographic language, each Rune originally was a beorc. ( b ) is the Rune for birth and family, represented by a profile of a pregnant woman. The Rune has since come to represent, unsurprisingly, the Great Mother. It’s also used as protection, specifically for homes in the 2nd century BCE by the Nords. It was later used as an alphabetic language from the 2nd to 8th century BCE.

Today, Runes are used primarily for three things: divination, talismans, and charms. Rune castings are much like Tarot readings, with the placement and order of the Runes changing how they’re interpreted. This interpretation can be used to your advantage when putting together your talisman.

Casting runes is the main method of using them for divination. A “cast” refers to the pattern the runes are laid out in, to answer questions. For example, laying three runes in a line is the most common, and easiest, to the divine. Just like Tarot cards, the rune to the left represents the past; the one in the middle represents the present, and the one to the right predicting the future. Castings can be done as many times as there are questions. Depending on your beliefs, this can be a fun exercise or can help in making that life-altering decision. Like Tarot cards, runes can be used to ask very specific or rather vague questions. For example; Are you going to find a job in the relatively near future? Will you get that promotion tomorrow? Where exactly are your keys? Based on your question, and how you decide to cast your runes, you can glean a little insight into these questions.

What are runes and what’s their use?

What are runes and what’s their use

What are runes and what’s their useWhat is a Celtic runestone?

Current Celtic runes have been used since the 17th century. These stones are cast to foretell the future and are small with an old, magical alphabet carved on them.

The best psychics have used physical tools for centuries to get answers from the universe. Accurate readings can all be provided using tea leaves, coffee grounds, and crystals. But the common tool that is frequently used is cards. Quite a number of psychic mediums use angel cards, tarot cards, or even play cards to predict the future, answer questions and to vision about a person’s life. However, there is another tool that can be used for all these and that is the Celtic rune stones.

History suggests that runes are most likely to be the first mystical tools that are used to protect and connect to psychic insights. They were used by Romans and Germans way back in 150-800 AD according to pieces of evidence provided. The word rune means ‘secret whisper’ in different languages. This is an indication of the special powers that casting runes hold.

Celtic runes, magic stones, and Viking runes are the names used to refer to rune stones. There might be a small difference in how they vary but they use a similar or less similar runic alphabet.

What are their uses?

They can be used to give you guidance or foretell what the future holds and answer any questions that you might have. The old symbols can help visualize situations and help predict the outcome. Quite a number of psychics use their instincts and casting runes to get answers to particular questions as this helps them understand everything better and give them a clear future.

The magical symbols on rune stones were used for shields, amulets and to hide secret messages, in the past. Just like other well-known symbols such as hamsa, the runic alphabet has been used to provide protection and healing.

How do you read runes?

Individuals usually ask what runes are and what they are used for. Rune reading frequently gives deep insights, although not straight forward answers. This, therefore, means that a psychic has to use their intuition to read runes and get accurate answers. The symbols on the runes have a particular meaning that can be interpreted in distinct ways just like tarot cards. Casting and reading runes often take years to master because of the complexities.

Psychic uses distinct rune casting spreads to read the runes with the most well-known being 3, 5, and 9 runestone layouts. These can also be drawn individually to give insights to specific people, question or situation.

If you are always open and focused during psychic readings, then be sure that the stones will give you accurate predictions of what the future holds.

Ways of using Runes


Ways of using RunesRunes were mainly used by the Germanic tribes before the arrival of the Roman empire. They are ancient alphabet also known as “Viking runes” they have Nordic symbols that are good for making decisions, communication, rune readings, and divination.

How to use Runes?

Spread down a cloth on the floor and choose which part will be “up” and “down”. Runes are ideally cast facing the sun or on an East-West axis. After that pay attention to the casting question. Runes should be kept in a box or a pouch at all times where they are to be drawn. The runes which have fallen on the cloth facing up are read and this depends on whether it is reversed or not.

Other Procedures of Casting Runes

Randomly pick a rune stone for a daily reading; pay much attention to the questions for your casting and let your eyes be closed. Pick one rune from the piles. Others believe that a single question can be answered by day one rune. A 3 rune spread can also be done. A past event can be answered by the first rune. A present event can be answered by the second rune and a future event can be answered by the last rune.

The meanings of runes are available in the chart below. There are numerous runes that are available in the market and in the best prices. Each and every rune stone is unique to its own.

4 Easy Procedures of How to Read Runes

How to Read Runes

How to Read RunesThe East Goths were the first to use Runes, and that was over 1500 years ago. Their appearance throughout England and Scandinavia was later. The use of runic alphabets in divination was considered a pagan practice when Christianity took hold. The word “rune” originates from an early Anglo-Saxon word meaning “secret” or “mystery”

Runes gained popularity mostly among Wiccans and modern pagans but that didn’t stop them from enjoying unprecedented mainstream adoption in the past 30 years.

Different kinds of Rune stones exist depending on the alphabet you decide to follow. These are Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, Cirth, Elder Futhark, Gothic Runes, Hungarian Runes, Turkic, and Younger Futhork. The emerging Rune alphabet in popularity is Elder Futhark.  The other name is “blank”.

The best way to use your runes

This depends on you.

Below are known procedures of how runes are used:

Procedure #1: close your eyes with your runes in their pouch. Pay attention to the situation you want an answer for. Then decide your answer by choosing a rune from the bag.

Procedure #2: While thinking of what you want an answer for, toss the runes from the bag onto a soft surface gently. The rune(s) that will stand out the most during this process is your answer.

Procedure #3:  While in a neutral state of mind and with your eyes closed, remove three runes from the bag and line them. The answer to a past situation is the first rune. The answer to a current situation is the second rune and the last is an answer to an oncoming situation.

Procedure #4: Pass your hand slowly over the lying runes while paying attention to what you want your answer for. You can use your right hand if you are left-handed and use your left hand if you are right handed then you will recognize the rune that has the answer to your question.