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How to Know If You Are an Advanced Soul

How to Know If You Are an Advanced Soul

Many people are interested in spirituality these days and are seeking answers about who they are and why they are the way they are. Some believe there is spiritual progression and that re-evaluating your journey is part of that path.

Those who believe in advanced souls, or those who are more mature in development, may want to know where they lie on this road.

There are 10 signs to know if you have reached this milestone to the advanced soul.

  1. Trusting life.

This means you aren’t constantly trying to change things but understand that things happen for a reason and everything has a time and place. You know fear prevents you from new opportunities so you keep it at bay.

  1. You forgive.

This is a hard lesson for many to learn but advanced souls realize that unforgiveness hurts them more than the other person. You understand that it is important to be compassionate, loving, and to practice forgiveness.

  1. You have peace.

While many people race to change their image or compete with others for the best of life or more fame, you are happy with yourself and so no need for any of that. You are confident in your choices, even one’s friends question because of the amount of change involved.

  1. You have a connection.

You feel connected with the universe and all that is in it. You love nature, animals and have immediate connections with other people as well.

  1. You are grateful.

This is one aspect that is challenging for many people. Some are constantly looking at what they don’t have rather than what they have. You, on the other hand, are grateful for all that you have even if it isn’t that much according to the world’s standards. You regularly express this gratitude.

  1. You have boundaries.

Some think having boundaries projects a selfish tendency, but you understand it does not. You know boundaries are needed to create a happy life for yourself and you can set them while still loving and respecting others.

  1. Positivity is in your life.

Positivity is something you practice every day. This is different from denial or avoidance. Positivity is the ability to look at something painful and still see the good in it. For those with an advanced soul, this is so habitual it is truly a part of their unconscious living like eating or breathing.

  1. You love yourself.

This is not as easy as it looks. Many people are taught through their family or society that humility means to dislike yourself or deny yourself time and energy to serve others. This is false teaching. Self-love means you understand you need to rest, rejuvenate, take care of your health, and be good to yourself. Even Jesus took some time alone after ministering to others.

  1. You love serving others.

You understand there are times you must help others and you truly enjoy doing it. You see this as an opportunity to lift your soul as well as someone else’s and doesn’t see it as an obligation at all.

  1. You attract people like you.

You don’t have to look for people to help you grow. They are all around you! You have an open heart and mind that draws people to you than are ready and willing to help you on your journey.

Those who find more of these traits growing in their daily lives can be assured they are moving in the right direction of advancement if you are not there already.

9 Ways You Know You Met Your Cosmic Match

9 Ways You Know You Met Your Cosmic Match

When you are matched with someone on the cosmic level you can feel it instinctively.  These are bonds that are vital to our spiritual growth and aren’t not always positive in nature.  However, there is always profound meaning and learning that occurs in these interactions.  Below, we have compiled a list of nine ways you can identify if you met your cosmic match.  It is import to not ignore any of these signs and be aware that matches can occur at any level from influential stranger to romantic partner.  Remain open to this person and what they are trying to teach you as well as any insights you both may gain throughout your relationship.

  1. This person is a helper!

Being around this person provides you with a powerful sense of healing.  They challenge you to grow in novel ways you couldn’t have thought up on your own.  No matter if the lesson seems positive or negative, know it is being sent by the Divine to help you grow.

  1. This person challenges you!

There is no possible way for you to stay in your comfort zone when you are around this person!  By showing you new experiences or ways of doing things, you are able to evolve at physical, mental and spiritual level.  Even during the difficult moments, you will find yourself thanking this person for their unique wisdom.

  1. This person stirs your heart

Even when lessons or experience feel uncomfortable, you find your heart becoming more open and receptive when you interact with this person.  They will teach you how to be willing to let people into your life and empower you to be your authentic self.

  1. If you get upset by them, it’s ok!

By getting upset and challenge you are able to shed behaviors or patterns that no longer serve you.  We seldom learn key lessons during periods of calm and abundance.  Becoming upset is essentially to your personal growth.

  1. You hear what you NEED to, not what you WANT to!

Sure, it might not always be pleasant to hear hard truths, but it is necessary.  This person will not sugar coat any detail, and it’s import to soak in every word.  By heeding their advice, you will be able to accomplish even lofty goal and become receptive to exciting new opportunities.

  1. They teach you to slow down

We often are in a rush to accomplish goals or overcome a challenge.  When we learn to slow down, we can become more mindful and create better strategies to foster more positivity, love and abundance in our lives.

  1. This person motivates you!

When they share wisdom with you, you become energized!  This energy help you create solutions to problems and allows you to forward in your life’s purpose.  You may even feel yourself becoming a better person and bigger inspiration to those around you.

  1. They keep you focused!

A cosmic match will constantly remind you of who you are, your true worth and your goals.  This encouragement helps you become laser focused on improving yourself and all of humanity.  Although sometimes you think they might be a little over the top with feedback, they are powerful influence in your life and work.

  1. They inspire you to question things

Questioning aspects of life allow for old patterns to give way to new and more beneficially thinking.  When you look deeper under the surface you can identify the facets that need changing so that all might benefit from a solution.

Being an Empath

Being an Empath

Being empathic or clairsentient can be wonderful and enjoyable, but this can also be overwhelming and exhausting. This is especially true when in crowded areas or areas of high emotions. While the ability should be appreciated, you may wonder how best to keep from feeling drained, but still enjoying life, events, and even movies.

Below are some real life tips to help empaths survive and thrive while still taking part in daily life events:


Empaths somewhat absorb the emotions of others, which can be exhausting. Next time you are with someone giving off many emotions, imagine yourself surrounded by outward facing mirrors. This deflects the emotions back. This is especially helpful when you cannot walk away from a person.


Being overwhelmed by energy is real and can hit quickly. One sad movie and everything seems overwhelming. Grounding can help keep things under control. This is a form of meditation and can include things like eating root veggies or chocolate, taking a bath, listening and dancing to your favorite song, or walking outdoors.

White or Pink Light

This is all about the mind. When you sense someone feeling anxious or upset around you, surround yourself with white light and extend some to them. This acknowledges  their feelings and sends well wishes.


When you pass someone who is suffering, thank the universe for the opposite. This can be done for others or yourself. For example, if you feel sad, thank the universe for love and joy.


This sounds easy, but too often we are not aware of our own perspective and need to be. Next time the emotional rabbit hole opens up, remind yourself that you are feeling emotions from spiritual beings that are growing just as we are. Your spiritual gifts are not a burden, but to enrich life. You control the gift or are learning to do so. This will shift perspective.

Law of Attraction

Remember the law of attraction is real and we may be attracting things we are not aware of. The universe delivers what we expect because we are conscious creators and attract stuff into our personal experience. This is often necessary for spiritual growth. Surround yourself with positive people to attract that type of energy.


Though you may not always have a choice of who you around, you do have a choice in what they take from you. If the person is permanent in life, learn their patterns and protect yourself. Set boundaries as needed and stick to them. If you are around an energy vampire, say a few positive things to keep your vibe up.

No News

The news today is always draining. While keeping up with current events is important, it is not worth the horrible feelings. Avoid news stories if they leave you feeling frazzled. If you do have something that sends you spiraling down, follow up with something that makes you laugh or smile. If you are feeling positive your aura will be bright, otherwise it will be dull. When feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and get a sense of your aura, then make changes if needed.


Even adults need the occasional breather. When you cannot take the stress another minute, take a break as a priority. Try a bubble bath, a walk, binging your favorite music, or eating ice cream.


Meditation is an empath staple. Take time to practice it often so you can be pulled out of the moment and offer perspective.


Crystals can help an empath. They are great for clearing negative energy, so keep them around the house or in your pocket. Black tourmaline is great, but so are black obsidian, amethyst, apache tears, and smoky quartz.

Wash Off Negative Energy

When your feeling drained or blah, freshen up, change clothes, wash off or shower, and really wash away the negative feelings. This will freshen up your energy.


Sage cleansing works well for empaths. When you need a pick me up, just spritz or burn a bit of sage. Its quick and easy.

Being an empath is a gift. Implementing these tips will help you realize that each day. The world needs more positive energy and that is what empaths can bring. Never give up on your gift.



Do you ever get a bad feeling about something you were going to do but ended up doing it anyways?  Did that turn out to be a bad choice?  Did you ever say, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that, but I did it anyways?”  Most people have done this.

Intuition is a gift from the spirit world that gives you a voice inside of your mind and soul that allows you to know what is going to happen without having any real information.

Here are some examples of your intuition and how it works:

  • You think of someone and then they message you.
  • You are about to cross traffic and you stop, and a car zooms out of nowhere.
  • You feel that you should call your friend and then they tell you that they don’t feel good.

Your internal feelings and gut feelings give you a purpose in life and this is something that everyone is born in.  You have a purpose and you can reach the higher good in life and everyone has these inner feelings but not everyone has them developed.

Psychic abilities are able to help you to level up and can help you to develop your life.  If you imagine that you are listening to what your intuition is telling you then you will make less bad choices and you will avoid bad decisions.

If you have learned to develop your intuitive gifts, then you will be able to make a decision that is soul based in your life.

There are ways that you can build up your gifts and this is an important step in your life.

Intuition and Psychic

There is a difference between being an intuitive and being a psychic.  An intuitive person is not always psychic, but a psychic is always intuitive.

There are different stigmas attached to being a psychic and this is because society feels that there is something negative attached to the word.  Society sees them as tricksters and sometimes they are more accepting of intuitive than of psychics.

Intuition is an inner sense of knowing something.  Being a psychic means that you are developing your intuition through different spiritual practices and you can use this to enhance your other psychic abilities.

That means instead of having a feeling that you should call someone, you will have the thought of “they are sick,” come into your mind.  This means that you can use your abilities as an extra-sensory perception, and it can allow you to get images and feelings that come out of nowhere.

This helps you to have information and if you are a visual person then you will rely on your gut for this type of information.  There are different strengths that you will have, and your spirit guides will send you information and help you to understand what your abilities are.

Intuitive Types

There are four different types of intuitive that are the main types, and these include:

  • Clairvoyance
  • Clairaudient
  • Clairsentient
  • Claircognizant


Someone that is clairvoyant can have clear seeing and this means that they see things in the spirit world.  The clairvoyant can see things that their spirit guides show them, and they are able to see things in vivid dreams.  Visual learners are often times clairvoyant.


Clairaudience means hearing in the spirit and this means that you will get sounds and feelings in your mind.  These can be phrases and music.

A clairaudient will hear what the spirit guides are telling them, and they will hear music and be able to listen to explanations in their mind.


A person that is clairsentient is someone that has feelings inside of their spirit.  They have a feeling that is like a gut feeling and they just know something without having any real information why.  They can make decisions based on how they feel and most of the time be right.


Someone that is claircognizant has a sense of knowing.  This person tends to know things without there being an explanation for it.  They can get information that helps them to see into the future.

A claircognizant is able to get insight that comes out of nowhere and can solve problems and figure things out without much help.

More Intuition

There are other intuitions that are not part of the main ones and these include:

  • Clairalience-smelling in the spirit.
  • Clairtangency-feeling things through objects.
  • Clairempathy-having the ability to sense other people’s emotions.
  • Clairgustance-tasting things without having anything in their mouth.

Personal Intuition

When you are trying to figure out what kind of intuition gifts you have, here are some ways you can do it:

  • Figure out what style fits you best.
  • Figure out how you make decisions.
  • What are you attracted to?

When you think about a time in your life that you received information form the universe, how did this come?

  • With images?
  • With a thought?
  • With words?
  • With symbols?
  • With special feelings?
  • You just knew?

Developing Intuition

If you want to develop your intuition, you can do this by doing the following things:

  • Use quiet time to center yourself.
  • Deep breathe.
  • Imagine that you are in an elevator and you are in control of it with your mind.
  • Use the dial to raise the frequency in the elevator and put it to max.
  • Go higher into the space. Imagine a stop light is there.
  • Ask a question and see if the light is red for no or green for yes or yellow for maybe.
  • Don’t debate just accept the answer.
  • Journal all of the things that you experienced.

Exercise 2

Another way that you can work on this is to guess things.  Guess things that you are able to find out if you were right or not.  Here are some things you can guess:

  • If there will be a lot of traffic.
  • If your mom will be in a good mood.
  • If the meeting will go well.
  • If the color of the next car will be red or blue?
  • If there will be a lot of phone calls from a certain person.

Take a few minutes to center yourself and to make a few guesses.  Compare what happened with what you guessed and see if you were right.

You might not always be right but keep practicing and you will get better.

Exercise 3

Choose a tarot card out of a deck and see if you can guess which card that you picked.  People can connect with the spirit world through tarot cards.

  • Get a tarot deck
  • Shuffle the cards.
  • Pick out a card.
  • Journal what card you got.
  • See how your day goes.
  • See if your card matched how your day went.
  • Write this down.
  • At the end of the month look back to see how many times this was right for you.

After you practice, you will see that you can begin to get things right more often. This takes time and practice and you must be patient.

Decision Making

When we get caught up in our lives, we forget to take time to meditate and concentrate on what is going on.  We have to get past things that happen to us or things that get us down and use our intuition to guide us.

When you figure out what you are supposed to do, know that your spirit guides will be there to help you and you will reach to a higher source to listen to the voice and then you will be happier and more confident about what you choose to do in life.

When you are faced with hard decisions, let the spirit guides give you intuition and guide you through your life.  Let them show you signs and know if you are hearing what they say.  If you see animals, butterflies or repeated numbers, this can be a sign.

Keep working on practicing your intuition until you are making the best decisions in your life.

The Twin Flame Runner

The Twin Flame Runner

People talk about how our Twin Flames are supposed to be our perfect vibrational soul matches.  We are united to them when we experience a soul change and when we are able to fulfill personal goals in our life that will lead us to our twin flame.

Connecting to your twin flame is not easy though and it can be intense and overwhelming.  It can be an experience that brings up fear and old wounds.  Each twin flame experience shows that there is a runner and a chaser dynamic and this period of life can be hard and upsetting for both partners because they just want to be united with each other.

Chaser and Runner

A twin flame relationship is about being together with the person that your soul has split with before you came to earth.  You can look at this in six different stages and it is a place where there can be a lot of pain and a lot of wounds that come to life.  There can be tensions and high levels of distancing to a point where it can be hard to be a twin flame both physically and mentally.

When there is a lot of love between a twin flame, one of them might decide that they want to run away from the relationship.  This will be the point where they might go back to another partner or stop talking to them, have arguments or travel to get away.  There is no real reason why this happens, but it does.

The runner is sometimes the part of the soul that is younger, and the older soul is the one that will be mature and want to chase the runner.  One partner will be more open to improving the relationship while the other one is having a hard time handling the relationship.

You will most likely experience the twin flame runner and chaser stage, and this can be hard because even though you love each other, it is as if you are constantly clashing and having hardships in your relationship.

This can go on for months at a time and can be painful for both people in the relationship.

Reuniting with Your Twin Flame

If you want to reunite with your twin flame and you are in the runner chaser stage, it might feel like you are angry and overwhelmed in the relationship.  There are ways that you can heal this and fix it, here are some ways to save heart.

Are They Wanting to Hurt You?

The first thing that you need to ask yourself is if you believe that your twin flame really wants to hurt you.  Don’t be confused about the arguments or about the differences or insecurity that you are feeling.

Being with your twin flame can be clear that they don’t want to harm you or cause you pain.  This part of the relationship is where they are dealing with their own pain and you are just part of it.


Pay attention to what triggers your fights.  Is it an action or a look that you have or some type of tone that is given when you have a conversation?  Once you can figure out the triggers then you can stop being bitter and annoyed when they talk to you.  Find out if these are just issues that are under the layers of emotions that you have and try to fix it.

If you get offended every time your partner interrupts you, figure out why you feel that way and work on fixing that problem inside of yourself.  Maybe you feel abandoned when this happen or maybe it makes you feel unloved.


You must learn to communicate openly with your twin flame if you want to fix things.  Most people fail to communicate because they hide their emotions and thoughts and want to keep them to themselves.  When something is bothering us, often times we will not want to talk about it, and we will hide it and let it keep festering until we blow up.

Open communication is a must if you want to work towards an excellent relationship.


Another thing we need to work on is empathizing with our partner.  We have to stop looking at our own feelings as the only ones that are important and learn to be more mature and kinder with others.  We have to be mindful of others and this can be practiced.  You can even meditate to practice this and learn to live in the moment and to take time to reflect on what we are saying and doing and how it is affecting others.

The better you become at reacting to your emotions the more you can empathize with other people including your twin flame.  Remember that your partner is different than you and they have a different personality but that is what attracts you to them.  You have to respect this.

What is My Lesson?

A twin flame is there to teach you a life lesson and to help you to be a better person.  Ask what they are trying to teach you each time a fight happens.  Learn to understand forgiveness and learn to work through the things in life that are hardest because these will teach you the greatest lessons of your life and help you to grow as a person.


You have to forgive each of the pains that you have inside.  Each fight that you have opens a wound and causes there to be pain inside of your heart.  You can forgive each other and learn to love and work through these things.

Twin flames are our shadows and are the core inside of us.  Let us help each other by working through this and finding the light in this relationship.  The point of the relationship is to help you to heal and to become a better person that leads you to unconditional love.

What Does a Black Aura Mean?

What Does a Black Aura Mean?

Most of the time when people look for the meaning of a black aura, they automatically think it will be something evil.  There are possibilities that a black aura could mean evil, but this is not usually the true case.  This can happen if there is a lot of troubled emotions in their life or if they are being attacked psychically.  In some cases, a black aura can mean that a spirit has attached itself to the person and once you understand what a black aura is, you will be able to find out what kind of remedy you need to fix it.


There are different meanings when someone has a black aura.  This can be trauma, emotional pain or other causes:

• Can be a sign that a person has negative emotions.
• The chi could be blocked.
• This could be negative thoughts and feelings.
• Anger.
• Hatred.
• Unforgiveness.
• Diseases in the body.


A spirit can interfere with the color of your aura.  You might have a spirit that is attached to you if you have these things:

  • Spirit with negative energy can be afraid to move on its own and will need to attach to you causing a black aura.
  • The black aura can come if you are addicted to something. This can cause spirits to attach to you.
  • When you practice black arts, it can open up your aura to negative spirits and make your aura black.


When you have a black aura, note what kind of black.  Lighter auras can look like they are gray and different shades can have different types of meanings:

  • Grey can happen when you have a blocked chakra or blocked energies. There are many other causes for a dark aura around your life.  This can be a situation that comes just for a moment or it can be a situation that lasts for a while or has come from a deeper place.
  • Light gray can happen when you are worried or stressed. This can mean that you do not trust people and that you are having a hard time in your situation in the present.
  • Dark gray or charcoal colored aura can happen if you have a chakra that is unbalanced. This can cause your health to be depleted and cause you to get a sickness.

Fixing a Black Aura

If you want to change the color of your aura and get natural energy flow back, you can do this

  • Cleanse your chakra. Do this by meditating, tapping and yoga.  Having a clear chakra can cause you to have a different color aura and can make you healthy in your body.
  • Forgiving can also bring you a different colored aura. When you have unforgiveness and hate, it can cause you to destroy your aura.  You need to repair this by forgiving, even though it is not easy.  Get rid of those negative emotions.
  • Illnesses can cause a black aura. If you have a black aura, go to the doctor to make sure that your body is healthy.  You may find that you have a sickness that needs to be fixed.
  • Spirit’s can attach to you and cause your aura to be black. They can possess you but not all of them are demons.  Sometimes when a spirit attaches to you, you can free yourself by going to an aura cleaner, reiki master or another energy or psychic worker.  Let them do a reading for you and help you cleanse your aura.


There are things you can do to protect yourself from a spirit attaching to you:

  • Put yourself in a bubble of white light. Do this by imagining it covering you all over your body.
  • Meditate to keep your energies positive. Do this often, once a day.
  • Use crystals of protection that can boost your defenses such as Black Tourmaline and amethyst.

Black Auras

There are many reasons why your aura can be black and you need to determine what is causing your aura to be that color so you can fix it.

Signs You are In a Soul Contract

Signs You are In a Soul Contract

Everything that lives has a soul and souls will travel together.  Your soul may or may not be a human family and even if they are not, you will come across members of your family in this lifetime.  They will come to you and will be life-long friends or people that will keep showing up in your life.

You might have a karmic connection hat has not been resolved and the soul contract may or may not be with your soul family.  These are people that will reenter into your life for a reason and to solve an issue that has not been solved yet.

A soul contract happens when two souls bind together.  There is an agreement on the souls and when they meet on the earth, they will have to work out the issues of karmic connections that have come int heir life.  Their soul can carry over in different lifetimes until they are resolved.

Animals and humans have karmic ties and sometimes the animal will appear in a person’s life so that they person will take care of them.  Animals have their own karma and will need to be taught how to love.

Here are signs that you have a soul contract with someone from your past life:

  1. When you meet these people for the very first time, it is as if you have known them your whole life.  They will be familiar to you and you will know things about them but will not know why or how you know these things.  You will not imagine your life without these people, and it will be an instant and strong connection.
  2. When you are around a person that you have a soul contract with, you will feel sensitive around them. They will easily offend you and you will be in emotional pain when they do this.  You will feel like you have a hard time getting along with them and when they hurt your feelings, it is deep hurt.
  3. You dream about this person often and sometimes when you dream, it is about something that you are afraid of. You sometimes wake up in a panic.
  4. You will continue to be together and break up time after time. This will happen so many times that you will get used to the ups and downs.  You will still be drawn to this person even if you have hurt them and they have hurt you many times.
  5. Even though you have just met this person, you will feel like you have known them your whole entire life. You will know things about them but not know why you know these things.
  6. You will take abuse from this person and you will abuse them sometimes.
  7. You will be obsessed with them.

There are many signs for a soul contract and if you are in a soul contract, you will need to recognize it in order to be able to solve it and move on in your life.

A soul contract relationship can be very strong and will bring you a strong range of emotions. They will cause ou to bring up feelings from your past that are very deep and will bring up issues that you did not know that you had until you met them.

Even while you are with your soul contract, you will be learning things from them and will be having life lessons.  This learning will allow you to eventually move on in your life and the universe will release you.

When you are able to move on from the relationship, you will be able to release the karmic connection and will heal from it.  You will know that you have grown and you will be able to move through situations better and heal from your past life contracts.

How to Cultivate Your Psychic Abilities

Cultivate Your Psychic Abilities

Human are blessed to not just enjoy an array of physical senses, but intuitive ones as well.  Clairvoyance is the gift of psychic sight, Clairaudience is the gift of psychic hearing, Clairgustience is the gift of psychic taste, Clairalliance is the gift of psychic smell, Clairsentience is the of psychic feeling, and Claircognizance is the gift of psychic thought.

Take a moment to think about what intuitive senses are most noticeable for you.  How are you currently using these talents in your daily life?

If you want to develop these skills try the following exercises:

Exercise 1:

Find a moment where you can be alone and quiet in a particular room.  Sit comfortably and focus your awareness.  Nonjudgmentally experience all the nuances and feelings in the room.  Slowly let your eyelids grow heavy and close.  Slow your breathing and draw deep cleansing breaths from your diaphragm.  Let your initial experiences with the room circle around in your mind.  Recall what particularly caught your attention.  Was it connected to sight, sound, smell, taste, feeling or thought?  Examine this experience a bit deeper to see if you can get any additional clarity on a message that might be trying to reach you.

Exercise 2:

Sit quietly with closed eyes.  Breathe slowly and deeply with even inhalation and exhalations.  Imagine an object as completely with as much detail as possible.  Sit with the image and play around with the angles you use to examine the minutiae of the object.  What facets stand out most to you.  Is it the smell, taste, texture, feeling or was it representative of something bigger? Does it bring up a memory connected to or deeper knowledge concerning the object?

Whichever of the clairsenses resonated most for you is your most dominant gift for you currently.  If the room exercise brought sensations of fresh baked cookies or you picture a wedge of lemon being squeezed that released a citrusy aroma, then clairalliance might be a special talent for you.  If you heard the creaking of the floor and the pop of a soda can, then clairaudience could be dominant for you.  If in both exercises a special memory resonated throughout your body, you might want to explore working with clairsentience to receive divine knowledge.

Just because one clairsense seems more pronounced now doesn’t mean that other can’t develop over time.  By being mindful, and patient you can strengthen your other psychic abilities with hard work and practice.  You may find that another sense grows other abilities can be honed much more easily.  Let go of expectations and enjoy the journey.  Each of the clairsenses are a gift and can be useful to assist yourself or others during times of hardships or critical decisions.  In all things, give thanks to the Divine and use your gifts wisely.

Opening Your Third Eye

Opening Your Third Eye

You can learn to increase your psychic gifts and to become more clairvoyant.  Clairvoyance is when you can see things without actually seeing them.  It means you can look into the past and the present and the future and see your own or others.

Everyone has the same powers, and no one is born with special powers, it is just up to us how we choose to use them or not use them.  You can learn to increase your clairvoyance and open the power in your daily life.

You can learn to open your third eye and you can do this with a few steps.  This can help you to be able to see into the future.


You want to unblock your vision and do not accept things in your life that stop you from seeing things.  Give yourself permission to be able to see things in the future and release the feelings that say that you cannot do this.  Relax and practice positive affirmations to yourself.  Release your third eye to be open.


Learn to release your fears and then concentrate on your third eye.  This will be located in between your eyes.  Do not force your third eye to open, you need to practice till this happens on its own.  If you feel that your third eye is partially opened, ask it to open the rest of the way so you can see.

Pay Attention

Look around you and see if you see images come to you.  This can mean that your third eye is open.  You will see things in full color just like you are watching a movie.


Pay attention to what you are seeing.  If it is fuzzy, keep working on it, it will get better and bigger as time goes on.  Tell it to be clear and do this with power.  Images will get bigger and you will be able to know what your third eye is telling you.


When you are able to see the images, you want to know what they mean and to understand them.

If you can’t understand what your third eye is trying to tell you, ask your spirit guides to come and help you to understand what is going on with you.  Ask them what the pictures mean and what they are trying to tell you.

You will get these answers in your thoughts and you will be learning to increase your psychic abilities.  You will get answers in ways that you will understand them.


The biggest step to opening your third eye is to believe.  Believe that you are able to see this and imagine that your images are real and trust them.

Write it Down

Write down what you see and always journal when you see images.  If you want to know what something means, you have to be able to remember it.  You have to have the abilities to know what you are seeing and what the images mean to you.

If you know what you want to see, ask the spirit guides and be very specific.  Don’t ask questions that are not specific and expect the universe to give you what you want.  Ask exactly what you want to know and do not hold anything back from the universe.  You will get the answers that you seek.

When Your Twin Flame Dies

When Your Twin Flame Dies

When you have a twin flame and they die, you will want to know how to handle it and how to deal with it.  If someone is dying that you love and it is your other half, it can be scary and heartbreaking.

Some people will not even consider this but for some, this becomes a reality.  If you have already lost your twin flame and you are struggling to cope with life, you may need to seek help professionally so that you can move forward.

Never Leave

Even if your twin flame dies, they never leave you.  The death that they have is just their physical body and their soul is still there.  It will stay beside you and will exist with the world around you.  Some people seek comfort from other people in their life when they lose their twin flame because it brings them comfort.

The truth is, you have responsibilities to them and even though it is okay for you to mourn and grieve, you have to move on and figure out how to be productive in your life.

Watching You

You will never be without your twin flame.  You have to move on in life and not stay in your sadness forever.  This is not good for anyone and even though moving forward is never easy, you have to do it.

The connection that you had with your twin flame will never end and you will still hear from them telepathically and you will still have that energy connection that you always had.

When you concentrate and think on them, you will be able to know they are there.  You can feel them through meditation and then you will have relief wash over you like a river.  You will know that your twin flame is still with you.  This is part of the passage of any loved one that we lose.

They will know that you are there and that you support them and once you realize your responsibility to them, they will be there to help you carry on even after they have passed.  So, if you are sad or negative, they will feel these things from you.  They will know what purpose you have.  They want you to be happy and to meet new people.

Keep On Your Journey

It is important that you continue on your journey, even after a loss.  You will progress in your friendships and in your purpose.  You will find love and life and you will face challenges and opportunities that help you grow.

Do not let your sadness take your life over.  You can be sad, but you have to face this and continue on your journey.  You are never alone, even when life feels darkest.  Things will get better and know that your twin flame is still with you, cheering you on.

They love you and they want to deliver messages to you so that you have hope and that your needs are met.  You need to let yourself meditate with your heart and focus on your connection.

When you are in the physical world, know that your twin flame is with you and move on with love in your heart and hope in your eyes.  This is the biggest things that your twin flame wants for you, is for you to be happy and fulfilled in your journey.